Cushing Syndrome


Mind Map on Cushing Syndrome, created by Marwa Alqassim on 28/11/2022.
Marwa Alqassim
Mind Map by Marwa Alqassim, updated more than 1 year ago
Marwa Alqassim
Created by Marwa Alqassim over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Cushing Syndrome
  1. abnormally high levels of the hormone cortisol
    1. types
      1. ACTH dependent
        1. ACTH independent
        2. S&S
          1. Investigations
            1. 24 hours UFC test
              1. Low/high dose dexamethasone (1/8 mg) test
                1. Early morning ACTH levels
                  1. CRH stimulation test
                    1. CT/MRI
            2. Management
              1. first line: Surgery
                1. transsphenoidal surgery
                  1. Adrenalectomy
            3. Anatomy of adrenal glands
              1. Histology
                1. what hormones it secrets?
                  1. cortex
                    1. aldosterone
                      1. cortisol
                        1. androgens
                    2. medulla
                      1. catecholamies
                  2. Celiac Disease
                    1. chronic digestive & immune disorder that damages small intestine, and triggered by eating gluten
                      1. Signs & Symptoms
                        1. Risk factors
                          1. Genetics
                            1. HLA-DQ2 & HLA-DQ8
                            2. Autoimmunity
                              1. Family history
                                1. Environmental triggers
                                2. Pathophysiology
                                  1. Complications
                                    1. Anemia
                                      1. Infertility
                                        1. Ataxia
                                          1. Lactose intolerance
                                          2. Management
                                            1. gluten-free diet
                                              1. vitamin & nutrient supplements
                                          3. Anatomy & Histology
                                            1. Duodenum
                                              1. Jejunum
                                                1. Ileum
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