
asteroids mind map
Miriam Sanchez
Mind Map by Miriam Sanchez, updated more than 1 year ago
Miriam Sanchez
Created by Miriam Sanchez over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Vocabulary:
    1. Swarm: A group of something, for example bees.
      1. Fireflies: Insect with light in the bottom.
        1. Collision: When two things grazed at the same time
          1. Silhouettes: The face of something when the sun is in a expecific place
            1. Stakes: Apuestas
            2. Asteroids stay mostly in orbit around the sun, between Mas and Jupiter
              1. Asteroids can range in size from a few hundred feet in diameter.
                1. The largest known asteroid is Ceres, 570 miles (950km)
                2. Gaspra is quiet near the earth.
                  1. There is one giant (40 miles long) asteroid named Ida, that has its own satellite.
                    1. Examples:
                      1. The Meteor Crater in Arizona (3,ooo foot wide), formed about 50,ooo years ago
                        1. Mexico´s Yucatan Peninsula about 65 million years ago.
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