Emotion and motivation


Mind Map on Emotion and motivation, created by dman gutter on 03/11/2015.
dman gutter
Mind Map by dman gutter, updated more than 1 year ago
dman gutter
Created by dman gutter about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Emotion and motivation
    1. Goal setting theory
      1. Self determination theory
        1. Drive Reduction
          1. Primary drive - Innate biological hungry thirst
            1. Secondary Drives - drives learnt though classical conditioning
          2. EVOLUTIONARY
            1. inclusive fitness selected
              1. reproduction sexual motive
                1. care of parental and genetically related individuals
                  1. forming alliances
                2. Humanistic
                  1. Maslows heiaracy
                    1. ERG Theory
                      1. Motivation= Existence. Relatedness. Growth
                    2. biological
                      1. Nervous system- all nervous tissue in body
                        1. Neuron - a cell of the nervous system
                          1. Neurotransmitters- chemicals that regulate communication between neurons
                            1. neuroanatomy
                              1. Cerebrum - large recent evolved- majority of brain
                                1. cerebal cortex - outer layer or cerebrum- complex cognitive fuction
                                  1. hemisphere of cortext - left and right
                                    1. Limbric system - loop brain structure beneath cerembum & above central core - INCLUDES and more
                                      1. Amygdala
                                        1. Septum
                                          1. Hippocampus
                                          2. Thalamus -central brain structure responsible for relaying sensory infomation
                                            1. Hypothalamus-small structure in central core responsible for regulatory and motivational functions
                                              1. Endocrine system - system of ductless glands,synthesis hormones & secrete into bloodstrean
                                                1. hormones- chemicals secreted into blood (via endocrine system). regulates range of internal motivational emotional responces
                                                  1. Testoterone, estrogen, cortisol, insulin etc
                                                    1. left hemisphere- plesant emotions/approach behaviour
                                                      1. Right Hemisphere- unplesant emotions/ avoidant behav
                                                        1. important social process
                                                          1. social comparison
                                                            1. adaption
                                                              1. we quickly take things for granted
                                                                1. we are happy to extent that situation is constanly improving
                                                                  1. depression after lotto win
                                                                    1. happiness after amputee
                                                                2. happiness depends on life outlook
                                                                  1. we are happy to the extent that comparisons are favourable
                                                                  2. Gap theorist explain- discrepancy between autual self and ideal self
                                                                    1. positive psych - focus on the good/gratitude
                                              2. Lobes -each with own function
                                                1. Frontal
                                                  1. Temporal
                                                    1. parietal
                                                      1. occipital
                                                2. Central Nervous system =Brain and spinal chord
                                                  1. Peripheral nervous system :comprised of
                                                    1. Somatic neurvous system- nerves running to & from sense organs and voluntary muscles
                                                      1. Autonomic Nervous system - Nerves running to & from Internal organs and glands
                                                        1. Symphatetic Division - gears the body for action
                                                          1. Parasympthetic division - handles routine function
                                                    2. 5 components of emotions
                                                      1. 1-Affective (subjective) feeling state of emotion
                                                        1. dimentions measured by Affect Intensity Measure
                                                          1. Pleasantness -(hendonic tone) happy, sad. pleased etc
                                                            1. Intensity- content, happy, ecstatic etc
                                                              1. Duration- surprised , depressed
                                                                1. Complexity - fear, grief, envy
                                                          2. 2- Physiological
                                                            1. Higher brain / cortext esp prefrontal (orbitofrontal) regions
                                                              1. Limbric system esp amygdala(stimulates emotional expression
                                                                1. amygdala-stimulates emotional expression
                                                                  1. The septum-expresses emotional expression
                                                                  2. Central Core - medulla -regulates autonomic facial expresions
                                                                    1. Hypothalmus-recieves please/pain signals, regulates bodily responce
                                                                    2. Autonomic Nervous system, more instantionious
                                                                      1. Endocrine System - more sustained
                                                                        1. cardiovascular, respiratory, ocular, salivary ect response
                                                                        2. 3. perceptual/ cognitive.
                                                                          1. Stimulus -> cog apprasial -> affect
                                                                            1. snake->in a zoo -> currious/not scared
                                                                            2. apraise environment and atribute aurosal
                                                                              1. 4.Expressive
                                                                                1. 8 main channels
                                                                                  1. physiological -trembling,sweating ect
                                                                                    1. Facial- mouth, lips,eyes eyebrows etc
                                                                                      1. Postural- shoulder, head, lean etc
                                                                                        1. gestural- fingers hands arms shoulders
                                                                                          1. paralinguistic- voice quality rate pitch volume
                                                                                            1. Verbal - spoken written
                                                                                              1. behavioural-esp that outside consious control
                                                                                                1. Seligman's 3 components of happiness
                                                                                                  1. The pleasant life
                                                                                                    1. The Engaged life
                                                                                                      1. The meaningful life
                                                                                                        1. life spent using ones strengths & talents to belong to & serve 'something bigger'
                                                                                                        2. life full of engagment involvment and absorption in work, intimate relationships and leisure
                                                                                                        3. life of positive emotion- joy delight pride- hope about the present past & future
                                                                                        2. 5.Conative (motivational)
                                                                                          1. fear may induce retract behaviour
                                                                                            1. happiness and anger could result in approaching behaviour
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