Sky High


Initial ideas mindmap for personal investigation
C Murray
Mind Map by C Murray, updated 7 months ago
C Murray
Created by C Murray 7 months ago

Resource summary

Sky High
  1. Flight
    1. Planes
      1. Structures/silhouettes of planes & how they have changed
        1. How has public perception of flight changed through time?
          1. Commercialisation of air travel
          2. Birds
            1. Migration patterns
          3. Landscape views (from above)
            1. Urban vs. Rural
              1. Difference in atmosphere between portrayals of urban and rural landscapes
              2. Has our perception and portrayal of landscapes changed over time?
                1. Perspective: worms'-eye vs birds'-eye
                  1. Thomas Lamadieu
                2. The sky itself
                  1. How has the portrayal of the sky in art and popular culture changed with the development of new technology?
                  2. Architecture
                    1. How have skylines changed over time?
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