Agents of Pollination


Kinds of Pollination in Flowers and their characteristics
Priyanka Jha
Mind Map by Priyanka Jha, updated 8 days ago
Priyanka Jha
Created by Priyanka Jha 8 days ago

Resource summary

Agents of Pollination
  1. Wind
    1. Anemophilous Flowers
      1. Small and not showy
        1. No nectar or scent
          1. Many flowers
            1. Stigmas are large, feathery and hanging out
              1. Maize, wheat, rice, paddy
            2. Water
              1. Hydrophilous Flowers
                1. Mature male flower submerged in water, gets detached and floats.
                  1. Water currents bring male flowers in contact with the female flowers for the transfer of pollen grains
                  2. Produce large quantities of pollen grains
                    1. Hydrilla and Vallisneria etc- examples
                  3. Animals
                    1. Zoophilous flowers
                      1. Lots of nectar
                        1. No scent
                          1. Brightly coloured
                            1. Rafflesia is pollinated by elephants
                              1. Birds, snails, bats, humming birds, honey thrushes - main animals
                            2. Insects
                              1. Entomophilous Flowers
                                1. Brightly coloured and showy
                                  1. Large flowers
                                    1. Sweet smell
                                      1. Nectar
                                        1. Sticky pollens and stigme
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