The process of growing and harvesting the raw materials.
Chocolate production begins with harvesting cocoa in a forest. Cocoa comes from tropical evergreen
Cocoa trees which grown in wet lowland tropics of Central/South America, West Africa. Southeast Asia.
It is harvested manually.
1. Seed pods of cocoa will be collected. They will then be filtered through to determine which ones to
keep. They will be sorted out into piles, preparing them for fermentation.
2. They’re placed in large, heated trays or covered with large banana leaves. Depending on the climate,
they might just be heated by the sun. Workers stir up the beans once in a while so all are equally
fermented. This is when the beans turn brown - 5 to 8 days.
3. Drying the cocoa seeds. Now, the farmers will spread out the fermented seeds onto trays, and leave
them out in the sun for about a week. Afterwards, they are sent out to manufacturers, for further work.
Evaluated for bean size, mold, infestation, filth and degree of fermentation
Collected from regions within 20 degrees north or south of the equator
Cut from the trees with machetes or knives mounted on poles
Beans are manually removed and are left to be heated in the sun for several days
Graded and bagged in sacks weighing from 130 to 200 pounds
Used in the manufacturing of milk and dark chocolate
Used to add flavour
Vary among suppliers - some include whole milk, nonfat dry milk, anhydrous milk fat, and milk
blended with cocoa mass to form chocolate liquor, which is then evaporated to make chocolate crumb
e.g. paper, foil and card
The capital goods used during the chocolate bar production process.
Machines/Equipment used during manufacturing- conveyor belt, sweltering tunnel, winnowing machine, nib-grinding
machine, rectangular molds, mixing machines, conchers, conveyor belt moods, cold tunnels
Space required - farms, factories, offices,trucks etc.
Packaging and packaging machines- used to wrap chocolate in paper wrappers.
Whether to use renewable sources or minimize parts of their production process
Which type of chocolate they prefer
Producing high quality chocolate while protecting the environment and meeting global standards
Hire factory workers Arrange and organize factory workers (includes appointing managers, supervisors
and managing quality control)
Certain amounts from each batch of chocolate are tested to ensure product meets the 1944 Federal
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Law, and more recent laws/regulations. Samples of raw ingredients are also
tested for the freshness/flavour. Chocolates are usually placed on conveyor belts and are inspected.
Chocolates with slight imperfections are removed.
1. Plucking pods - When pods turn orange and are about the size of a football, harvesters use
machetes to gently detach the pods from the trees.
2. Opening pods - After pods are collected, they are carried to a processing house. Pods are opened
and cocoa beans are extracted from pod shells. Each pod contains 50-60 cocoa beans.
3. Fermenting and drying seeds - The beans are placed in large shallow trays and are covered with
banana leaves. The beans are then placed in the sun for five to eight days or until they turn brown.
1. Roasting -Beans are roasted on screens and heated revolving cylinders where the moisture in the
beans goes from 7% to 1%. When they are roasted, they begin to develop a richer flavour.
2. Winnowing - Outer shell of cocoa bean is removed and inner cocoa bean is broken into small pieces
called “cocoa nibs”. The cocoa beans are placed through sieves and filters that separate pieces of the
cocoa bean shell from the the nibs, and strain and sort the cocoa nibs by size.
3. Grinding - Cocoa nibs are ground and heated into cocoa liquor (unsweetened chocolate) by revolving
granite blocks. In this process cocoa butter, sugar and sometimes milk are added to the liquor.
4. Refining - The liquor is further ground between metal drums. This process ensures that the cocoa
liquor is smoother and flows easier.
5. Cooling - After additional ingredients (varies - company/flavour) are added to the cocoa liquor,
mixture can be placed in olds and is cooled at a gradual rate to ensure that the cocoa butter doesn’t
separate from the mixture.
The sun
Might be used during the fermentation process, instead of heated trays.
Typically used in the drying process, where beans are laid out to dry.