Geography-U2T2 Consuming Resources


Mind Map of Consuming resources
Edmund Lau
Mind Map by Edmund Lau, updated more than 1 year ago
Edmund Lau
Created by Edmund Lau about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Geography-U2T2 Consuming Resources
  1. Theories
    1. Malthus
      1. Population grew exponentially doubling at each stage
        1. Food production grew arithmetically.
          1. Population needs natural checks to keep with food demand
            1. One child policy- China
            2. Boserup
              1. Food supply meets demand via new technologies to produce more food
                1. Green Revolution- India
              2. Fixing resource demand through technology
                1. Hydrogen Cars
                  1. No release of harmful emissions
                    1. Currently Tfl have 56 buses powered by hydrogen
                      1. Separating hydrogen energy requires energy but can be provided from a renewable resource
                      2. Clean Coal
                        1. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) involves capturing the carbon dioxide, preventing the greenhouse gas entering the atmosphere and storing it deep under ground into for example disused coal fields.
                      3. How to class resources
                        1. Non-renewable
                          1. Cannot be replaced, i.e. Coal and Oil
                          2. Renewable
                            1. Never run out, can be used infinately, i.e. wind
                            2. Sustainable
                              1. Meeting needs now without preventing future resources, if managed properly, i.e. wood
                                1. Can recycle or install solar panels/ wind turbines
                                  1. Energy efficient electrical appliances
                                2. Case Studies
                                  1. Renewable
                                    1. Royd’s Moor Wind Farm, Penistone
                                      1. + Once turbine made, non polluting
                                        1. + Land still can be used for agriculture
                                          1. - Strength of wind not constant
                                            1. - Large wind farms to to provide for whole communities
                                              1. - People feel it invades natural scenery
                                              2. Non- Renewable
                                                1. Tar Sands, Alberta, Canada
                                                  1. + Make profits for major oil companies
                                                    1. + Dependence on Middle East reduced
                                                      1. - 3x more CO2 than 'lighter oils'
                                                        1. - Tar extraction uses vast quantities of to 6 barrels for each barrel of oil
                                                          1. - Pollution of groundwater and lakes
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