
Mind Map on T E A, created by Fadhliah Sakinah on 25/11/2015.
Fadhliah Sakinah
Mind Map by Fadhliah Sakinah, updated more than 1 year ago
Fadhliah Sakinah
Created by Fadhliah Sakinah over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Oolong Tea
    1. Fat Burner
      1. Larger amount than water
      2. Activates Enzymes
        1. Cut down T r i g l y c e r i d e s
        2. Detoxify Body
          1. Prevents Tooth Decay
          2. Black Tea
            1. Lower Cholestrol Level
              1. Cut stroke risk
              2. Green Tea
                1. Energizer
                  1. Prevent Heart Disease
                    1. Decrease Cardiovascular Disease Risk
                      1. Increase Metabolism
                        1. Prevent Cancer
                        2. White Tea
                          1. Antioxidant
                            1. Fight Cancer
                              1. Fight Cardiovascular Disease
                              2. Highest Antioxidant
                                1. Prevent Disease
                                  1. Prevent Disorder
                                  2. Reduce recurrence risk for breast cancer survivors
                                    1. Radiant Skin
                                      1. Strong Bones
                                        1. Cholestrol Lowering
                                        2. Chamomile Tea
                                          1. Antioxidant
                                            1. Stunt cancer cells growth
                                              1. Prevent Diabetes Side Effect
                                                1. Nerve damage
                                                  1. Kidney damage
                                                    1. Loss of vision
                                                2. Echinacea Pupurea Tea
                                                  1. Fights illness
                                                    1. Common cold
                                                      1. Respiratory Infections
                                                      2. Prevent infections
                                                      3. Ginger Lemon Tea
                                                        1. Fights bacterial infections
                                                          1. Immune-boosting
                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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