Modern Analytical Techniques


Mind Map on Modern Analytical Techniques, created by Anna Plenderleith on 04/12/2013.
Anna Plenderleith
Mind Map by Anna Plenderleith, updated more than 1 year ago
Anna Plenderleith
Created by Anna Plenderleith almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Modern Analytical Techniques
  1. Mass Spectrometry
    1. Advantages
      1. small sample size
        1. Fast
          1. differentiates isotopes
          2. Disadvantages
            1. doesn't directly give structural information (although we can often figure it out)
              1. Needs pure compounds
                1. Difficult with non-volatile compounds
              2. Gass Chromatography
                1. Disadvantages
                  1. Difficult to use for conventional GC/
                    1. Easy to overload the phase (less sample capacity)
                      1. Careful attention required for splitless injections
                      2. Advantages
                        1. Shorter run times
                          1. Greater sample throughput
                            1. Cheaper columns
                          2. Paper Chromatography
                            1. Advantages
                            2. GC-MS Combined
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