Two Types of IQ Tests


Yoey Kwok
Mind Map by Yoey Kwok, updated more than 1 year ago
Yoey Kwok
Created by Yoey Kwok about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Two Types of IQ Tests
  1. Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon
    1. developed first intelligence test
      1. Designed to identify students who did and didn't learn as fast in school
      2. Developed the "mental age" concept
        1. (Mental age/ actual age) x 100 = IQ
      3. The Wechsler Test
        1. most commonly used IQ test
          1. Test for Children (WISC)
            1. Test for Adults (WAIS)
              1. Produced four component subscores
                1. Took away verbal aspects to make it less racial
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