physical education compulsory? English


help to wright a essay about it
Mind Map by safsha11, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by safsha11 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

physical education compulsory? English
  1. agree
    1. keep fit
      1. health
        1. avoid obesity. habit of exercise avoid decrease
        2. operation and team work
          1. keeps you active
            1. self discipline
              1. new experience
                1. try lots of sports
                  1. skiing
                    1. hide talet
                    2. important part of school
                    3. disagree
                      1. academics more important
                        1. not enough time exams=jobs
                        2. not everyone is able
                          1. not every one likes sport
                            1. bad relationships
                              1. showing off all about image
                            2. balanced
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