KM: Skills are abilities that students need to develop to succeed as a
member of society. The skills needed for the 21st century are
different to those of the past when a skills included a trade, following
directions, being a hard worker, being honest, etc. To be successful in
the 21st century, due to globalisation and continuous fast-pace of
change, skills include critical and creative thinking, communication,
being flexible, being able to take initiative, being able to lead and
being IT literate. This means teachers/school must include these
skills to assist students to become highly skilled and and successful in
a highly competitive job market.
JH: Skills are abilities
you learn that enable
you to perform a task;
skills are derived from
SG: Skills are the
physicality of
actually completing
a task.
KK: Skills are the tools
that equip learners
with the ability to
problem solve and
think abstractly. To
acquire a skill set is
paramount to truly and
deeply understand
what is learnt.
CC: Skills are acquisitions of knowledge
that prepare students to be active
members of a community.
FG: Skills are learnt
experiences that can
help us grow as
NB: Skills I feel are constructed
and refined when teachers
provide relevant, engaging
experiences and activities based
on students learning needs and
SS: Skills are abilities
and knowledge
developed from
shared learning and
direction. Skills are
the foundation of
being an active
member of society.