

A mind map of iGCSE and basic A level hydrocarbon information. All you need to know summarised.
Mind Map by Suzanna, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Suzanna almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Alkenes
        1. Unsaturated - Double bond
          1. Can make addition reactions
            1. Addition
              1. Alkenes
                1. Polymer : -(CH2-CH2)- n
                  1. Monomer : n(CH2=CH2)
              2. General Formula - C(n)H(2n)
                1. no Methene Ethene Propene Butene Pentene Hexene
                  1. Decolourises bromine water
                    1. Polyethene Polychloroethene Polypropene
                      1. Bags & Bottles
                        1. Fake Leather
                          1. Crates & Ropes
                            1. Polymerisation
                              1. Condensation
                                1. 2 monomers join
                                  1. release H2O or HCl
                                  2. 1,6 - diaminohexane hexanediomic acid
                                    1. NYLON
                                      1. made by - dicarboxylic acid + diamine
                                        1. creates Amide or Peptide link
                                          1. -(CO-NH)- +H2O
                            2. Carboxilic Acids
                              1. Ethanoic acid (Vinegar)
                                1. COOH
                                  1. C(n-1)H(2n-1)COOH
                                  2. Alcohols
                                    1. Methanol Ethanol etc.
                                      1. Direct Hydration
                                        1. Steam & Ethene
                                          1. C2H4 + H2O --> C2H5OH
                                            1. - Phosphoric Acid - 300'C - 7atm pressure
                                            2. Fermentation
                                              1. 36'C - anaerobic
                                                1. Yeast & Glucose
                                                  1. C6H12O6 --> 2(C2H5OH) + 2(CO2)
                                                2. General Formula - C(n)H(2n+1)OH
                                                  1. 'OH'
                                                  2. Alkanes
                                                    1. Doesn't decolourise bromine water
                                                      1. Complete combustion = CO2 + H2O
                                                        1. Incomplete combustion = CO + H2O
                                                          1. Saturated - cannot make addition reactions
                                                            1. General Formula - C(n) H(2n+2)
                                                              1. Methane Ethane Propane Butane Pentane Hexane
                                                              2. Homologous Series
                                                                1. Same chemical properties Same functional group Same general formula Trend in physical properties Neighbouring members differ by CH2
                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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