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Mind Map on SAB9#18_Monitoring_&_Controlling_1, created by edith.labastida. on 16/02/2016.
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
almost 9 years ago
Resource summary
control scope
Follow the change management plan.
Analyze work performance data and variances.
Request changes
Measure scope performance against the performance measurement baseline.
Control scope changes and the impacts of those changes.
Update the scope baseline
Validate changes
Document lessons learned
Control Schedule
Follow the change management plan
Analyze work performance data and variances.
Request changes
Manage the time
Measure schedule performance against the performance measurement baseline
Control schedule changes and the impacts of those changes...
Use earned value analysis to create schedule forecasts
Update the schedule baseline
Document lessons learned
Validate changes
Control Costs
Follow the change management plan.
Analyze work performance data and variances.
Measure costs performance against the performance measurement baseline.
Control cost changes and the impacts of those changes.
Manage the budget reserve
Use earned value analysis to recalculate the estimate at completion and other cost forecasts.
Obtain additional funding when needed.
Update the cost baseline
Document lessons learned & Validate changes
Control Quality
Influence the factors that cause changes.
Request changes or improvements to work and processes.
Hold periodic inspections
Ensure the deliverables are meeting the standards.
Make decisions to accept or reject work.
Analyze work performance data and variances.
Evaluate the effectiveness of implemented changes
Assess the effectiveness of project control systems
Update the quality management
Document lessons learned & Validate changes
Control Communications
Request changes.
Ensure information is being communicated to the appropriate people
Analyze work performance data and variances.
Analyze information about communications to make sure they are meeting stakeholder needs.
Update documentation related to forecasts performance reports and issue logs.
Document lessons learned
Control Risk
Assess risk, planned risk response
Identify new risks
Request Changes
Create and implement workarounds
Analyze work performance data, work performance reports and variance
Perform risk audits
Evaluate the effectiveness of implemented risk response plans risk processes
updates the project management plan and list of risk response plans
Control Procurements
Follow the defined procurement management procedure
Request and manage changes.
Monitor performance to make sure both parties to the contract meet contractual obligations.
Inspect and verify the contract deliverables.
Analyze work performance data, seller work performance reports, and variances.
Report on seller performance compared to contract.
Review invoices and make payments.
Update the project management plan and procurement documentation.
Validate contract changes, control to updated version, and evaluate effectiveness of changes.
Control Stakeholder Engagement
Request changes.
Maintain an issue log.
Assess whether stakeholders expectations are aligned with the project.
Resolve conflicts.
Update the stakeholder management plan
Validate success of changes to stakeholder engagement strategy.
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