Limestone Mindmap


This is my mind map about limestone with the specific facts and information of limestone.
Mind Map by 200275, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 200275 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Limestone Mindmap
  1. Uses
    1. Building materials
      1. Iron
        1. Glass
          1. Cement
            1. Cement
            2. Reactions
              1. Thermal Decomposition
                1. Metal carbonates such as calcium carbonate break down when heated strongly.
                2. Limewater
                  1. Limewater is a solution of calcium hydroxide, and limestone is calcium carbonate.
                3. Cycle
                  1. Limestone CaCo3- calcium carbonate
                    1. Heat
                      1. Quicklime CaO- calcium oxide Co2- Carbin dioxide
                        1. Add drops of water
                          1. Slaked lime Ca(OH)2- Calcium hydroxide
                            1. Add water and filter
                              1. Calcium hydroxide
                                1. Limewater Ca(OH)2- calcium hydroxide
                                  1. Add carbon dioxide
                  2. Chemical names and symbols
                    1. Calcium carbonate CaCO3
                      1. Calcium oxide CaO
                        1. Carbon dioxide Co2
                          1. Calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2
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