Practice Types


mind map on the different types of practice method and what each is good for
Thomas Marshall
Mind Map by Thomas Marshall, updated more than 1 year ago
Thomas Marshall
Created by Thomas Marshall almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Practice Types
  1. Part Practice
    1. Good for low organisational skills
      1. Skill is broken into parts and practiced individually
        1. A good example is a tennis serve as the parts are good to practise as individual parts.
          1. Good for dangerous skills
          2. Whole Practice
            1. Practice the skill as a whole
              1. Good for high organisational skills that are complex
                1. Not very good for dangerous skills
                  1. Best for skills like cycling as it can't be split up
                  2. Part progressive
                    1. Works by A, B, then AB C ABC D ABCD etc
                      1. Best for skills that are serial like a gymnastics routine as it enables the performer to easily chain bits together like they would have to in real life.
                        1. Involves the chaining of skills together to get a feel for parts of the skill and as a whole.
                        2. Whole-Part-Whole
                          1. This is when you practice the skill as a whole and then break it down to correct parts of it and then put it back together.
                            1. Works for nearly every skill except continuous skills as they can't be broken down very easily
                              1. Most commonly used type of practice
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