
Mind Map on BALONMANO-HANDBALL, created by liliicobeacosta on 06/03/2016.
Mind Map by liliicobeacosta, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by liliicobeacosta almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

      1. THE PLAYERS
        1. There are 12 players on each team, 2 goalkeepers and 10 field players
          1. There is one goalkeeper and a maximum of 6 field players on court at a time.
          1. THE SIX METRE LINE
            1. No handball player other than the goalkeeper is allowed in the goal area, inside the 6m line.
            2. WALKING
              1. If a handball players cannot receive the ball and bouce it, then hold the ball, and it again. This is termed "double dribble" and is against the rules.
              2. KICKING
                1. Handball players other than goalkeeper must not kick the ball. If the ball touches the foot, the possession is awared to the opposition
                2. HANDBALL FOULS
                  1. No tripping, pushing, hitting, clinching, charging, or holding is allowed in handball.
                  2. FREE-THROWS IN HANDBALL
                    1. These are awarded for slight infringements of the rules. All defenders are required to stay 3m away from the person taking the free-throw
                    2. PENALTY-THROWS IN HANDBALL
                      1. These are awarded when denying a clear scoring opportunity with an infringement.
                      2. GOAL-THROWS IN HANDBALL
                        1. This occurs when the ball comes off a goalkeeper and crossers the goal line. The goalkeeper then takes the throw from within their own area.
                      3. LOS JUGADORES
                        1. Un equipo está formado por 12 jugadores, siete de ellos están sobre el terreno del juego. 6 jugadores de campo, 1 portero y el resto reservas.
                          1. CENTRAL
                            1. Manda en ataque y defensa
                            2. LATERALES
                              1. Son jugadores altos y copulentos, aparte de grande lanzadores. Cada uno se sitúa a un lado del central
                              2. EXTREMOS
                                1. Se sitúan alado de los laterales, son grandes y ágiles, pueden convertirse en una fuente constante de goles.
                                2. PÍVOT
                                  1. Lucha contra la defensiva rival, abre huecos y facilita balones, son jugadores robustos
                                3. REGLAS
                                  1. Con el balón en la mano, solo se pueden dar tres pasos.
                                    1. Puede mantener el balón en la mano durante tres segundod
                                      1. El jugador lanza el balón con al menos un pie apoyado en el suelo
                                        1. El lanzamiento se hace por debajo del hombro
                                          1. por debajo de la cintura
                                          2. El jugador lanza el balón desde el aire tras dar un salto
                                            1. Se trabajan los trípces, los deltoides, los antebrazos, los isquiotibales y gemelos
                                            2. THE BEST HANDBALL PLAYERS
                                              1. Nicola Karabatic
                                                1. Arpad Sterbik
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