Core 2 Chapter 1


A Mindmap on all you need to know for Maths core 2 chapter 1
Thomas Marshall
Mind Map by Thomas Marshall, updated more than 1 year ago
Thomas Marshall
Created by Thomas Marshall about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Core 2 Chapter 1
  1. This is called the factor theorem. This is used when you want to know if a number will be a factor of a quadratic equation or one with any power of x in it.
    1. Do it by substituting the number in but by changing the sign in front of it ie if you want to check for 5 put in -5
      1. If it =o then it is a factor if not then it is not a factor. This method can also be used to find the remainder. The number at the end is the remainder.
    2. The other thing is how to divide an equation by an (x-2) or other number
      1. Start by drawing a table
        1. Place the number you are dividing by down the left hand side.
          1. Then place the highest power of x in the box to the left of the x number
            1. What times by x to make that number place this in the top of the column
              1. Then times by the number on the left and the top one
                1. What power of x is it and how many should you have? Then work the number out and place this next to your first power of x second row down that is.
                  1. Continue for all powers of x
                    1. If a remainder still occurs that will go in the far right column. finish by placing the whole new equation with any remainder in a line. Divide the remainder by what you divided by before.
                      1. There is an example done look at it to clarify what i mean
                        1. Example Divide 3x3-8x-9 by (x-2)
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