Motivation & Leadership


2nd Year Workplace Communication (Motivation & Leadership) Mind Map on Motivation & Leadership, created by Jade Jannotti on 15/01/2014.
Jade Jannotti
Mind Map by Jade Jannotti, updated more than 1 year ago
Jade Jannotti
Created by Jade Jannotti almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Motivation & Leadership
  1. Leadership
    1. Management = communicating tasks
      1. Leadership = motivating, inspiring
        1. Transformational
          1. inspire followers
          2. Charismatic
            1. use expressive language
            2. Situational
              1. Normative Model (Vroom & Yetton 1973)
                1. A1: complete autocratic
                  1. A2: leader has info, own final decision
                    1. C1: leader shares problems with individual follower, gathering ideas, making final decision
                      1. C2: leader shared problems with group, decides on his own
                        1. G2: leader shares problems with group, consensus agreement
                      2. Contingency approach
                        1. effectiveness of leadership depends on demands of situation
                        2. Behavioural
                          1. leaders can be made, rather than born
                          2. Laissez-faire
                            1. abdicate responsibility
                            2. Trait Theory
                              1. inherited traits
                                1. personality (dominance, assertiveness), social (responsibility, initiative), background (social status, education)
                            3. Motivation
                              1. Level - amount of energy
                                1. Direction - individual's choice
                                  1. Persistence - amount of time
                                    1. extrinsic
                                      1. merit-pay = money for performance
                                      2. intrinsic
                                        1. empowerment = managers delegate power
                                      3. Theories
                                        1. Acquired Needs Theory (McClelland 1961)
                                          1. achievement - solve problems
                                            1. affiliation - maintain friends
                                              1. power - influence others
                                              2. ERG Theory (Alderfer 1973)
                                                1. existence - wellbeing
                                                  1. relatedness - interpersonal relationships
                                                    1. growth - personal development
                                                    2. Expectancy Theory (Vroom 1964)
                                                      1. motivated when they expect to achieve goals
                                                        1. how much you value outcome
                                                          1. relationship between effort & outcome
                                                            1. capability of achieving outcome
                                                          2. Equity Theory (Adams)
                                                            1. what I put in the job
                                                              1. what I get from job
                                                              2. Hierarchy Of Needs (Maslow)
                                                                1. low-order (physiological, safety, belongingness)
                                                                  1. high-order (esteem, self-actualisation)
                                                                2. impacts productivity
                                                                  1. job satisfaction
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