Higher Music


Mind Map on Higher Music, created by rhstitu10 on 19/03/2016.
Mind Map by rhstitu10, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rhstitu10 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Higher Music
  1. Melody/Harmony
    1. Melodic minor scale
      1. Interval
        1. Mode/modal
          1. Mordent
            1. Obbligato (instrumental)
              1. Interrupted cadence
                1. Harmonic minor scale
                  1. Dominant 7th
                    1. Diminished 7th
                      1. Added 6th
                        1. Acciaccatura
                          1. Plagal cadence
                            1. Relative major/minor
                              1. Tierce de picardie
                              2. Rhythm/Tempo
                                1. Irregular Time Signatures
                                  1. Diminution
                                    1. Augmentation
                                      1. 3 against 2
                                        1. Time Changes
                                        2. Texture/Structure/Form
                                          1. Passacaglia
                                            1. Da capo aria
                                              1. Concerto grosso – ritornello
                                                1. Ritornello
                                                  1. Sonata form – exposition
                                                    1. Through-composed
                                                      1. Subject
                                                        1. Basso Continuo
                                                        2. Timbre/Dynamics
                                                          1. Coloratura
                                                            1. Concertino
                                                              1. Ripieno
                                                                1. Harmonics
                                                                  1. String Quartet
                                                                    1. Tremolando
                                                                    2. Styles
                                                                      1. Oratorio
                                                                        1. Musique concrète
                                                                          1. Mass
                                                                            1. Jazz Funk
                                                                              1. Impressionist
                                                                                1. Chamber Music
                                                                                  1. Plainchant
                                                                                    1. Recitative
                                                                                      1. Sonata
                                                                                        1. Soul Music
                                                                                          1. String Quartets
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