Service Strategy


Intermediate ITIL (Service Strategy) Mind Map on Service Strategy, created by gyuunyuu on 18/01/2014.
Mind Map by gyuunyuu, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gyuunyuu about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Service Strategy
  1. Purpose
    1. Define perspective, position, plans & patterns needed to meet business outcomes
    2. Objectives
      1. define how value is created & delivered
        1. identify opportunities to provide & exploit services
          1. provide a clear service provision model
            1. how will the services be delivered?
              1. how will services be funded?
                1. to whom will the service be delivered?
                  1. for what purpose is the service?
                  2. the organizational capacity required to deliver the service
                    1. documentation, coordination & optimization of service assets
                      1. services & processes that define / achieve the strategy
                        1. ensure a relationship between service provider & customer
                        2. Scope
                          1. strategy -> delivering services to meet customer's business outcomes
                            1. strategy -> service management
                              1. defining & identifying Service Management processes & principles
                              2. Business Value
                                1. link outcomes to a service provider's activities; prove how value is being contributed
                                  1. identify types & levels of services needed to support customers
                                    1. fast response to business environment changes; competitive advantage
                                      1. help to achieve positive ROI on investment in services
                                        1. improve customer & service provider communications
                                          1. provide services in an effective & efficient manner
                                          2. Governance
                                            1. defines directions, policies & rules
                                              1. ensures correct implementation of strategy, policies & required processes
                                                1. defining roles & responsibilities, measuring & reporting, resolving issues
                                                2. Service Provider Types
                                                  1. Internal Service Provider
                                                    1. internal service provider within a business unit
                                                    2. Shared Services Unit
                                                      1. internal service provider shared between business units
                                                      2. External Servicer Provider
                                                        1. service provider catering to external customers
                                                      3. Patterns of Business Activity
                                                        1. Business activities carried out to achieve business outcomes
                                                          1. Generates service demands
                                                            1. Activities tend to occur in patterns
                                                              1. ensure services are aligned to PBAs
                                                              2. Risk Management
                                                                1. risks -> possible event that could cause harm or loss
                                                                  1. measured by probability, vulnerability & impact
                                                                    1. identify risk - name them, document possible consequences
                                                                      1. analyze risks - quantify & define the impact & probability
                                                                        1. manage risks - regular reviews
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