Other substantial Grounds -for fair dis


Employment Law Mind Map on Other substantial Grounds -for fair dis, created by sinead250193 on 12/02/2014.
Mind Map by sinead250193, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sinead250193 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Other substantial Grounds -for fair dis
  1. Competition /conflict of interest
    1. Family Connection
      1. Employer is entitled to dismiss when he can prove employee is competing against him
        1. HARRIS & RUSSELL Ltd v Slingsby 1973 UK
          1. Employer cant dis an employee who was looking for work of a competitor
            1. Unless it was done in order to abuse his confidential postition
            2. Preece v Irish Helicopters Ltd 1984 (EAT)
              1. In contract he signed he wouldnt do work outside of job that might be in conflict with Irish Helicop Ltd
                1. Company got info that he was setting up company & applying for licence , he was interviewed , he said nothing asked to sign undertaking
                  1. He refused , comp said he damaged the trust & confidence between them
                    1. EAT HELD : EMPLOYER allowed to insist that employee not interest himself in a comp which will compete wit biz of the employer
                2. Mulchrone v Feeney 1982
                  1. employee worked for confectioner in westport
                    1. in her spare time she worked for direct competitor
                      1. dismissed for undermining the biz & danger she could be passing on trade secrets
          2. Family Connection
            1. Goggin Carroll & Co . v Dineen 1985
              1. insuran brokers in charleville - Employees boyfriend setting up competing biz in town
                1. employers wer happy she wouldn deliberatly expose secrets , but may inadvertently do so..
                  1. She was offered a position 30 miles away , she refused & was dismissed
                    1. HELD: unfair bcos fear of unexpected slip, not grounds for dismissal
                  2. inconsistent with employers business
                    1. O' Donoghue v Carroll Group Distributors Ltd 1982
                      1. cig factory - sticker on van said no smoking
                        1. in view of customers and employees
                          1. refused to remove & refused to park at rear of premises
                            1. dismissed was held to be fair
                  3. Coffey v Alcan metal centres 1990
                    1. Eat found similar circumstances
                      1. fair dismissal
                        1. employees brother & fiance worked with her in co
                          1. B and Fiance move to competitor
                            1. She got married to fiance
                              1. no other reasonable option other than dismissal
                    2. Fairbrother v Stiefel Laboratories ltd 1985
                      1. Pharmaceutical case- wife competing but real concern was confidentiality
                        1. He wouldn ask wife to cease so they sacked him , it was held fair on basis of conflict of interest
                  4. Criminal Convictions
                    1. May justifie conviction if it is connected to employment or affect rep of business
                      1. O' leary v Thomas Crosbie 1983
                        1. Employee- convicted of indecent assault
                          1. HELD EAT: CRITICAL FACTOR
                              1. HELD UNFAIR DISMISSAL
                    2. CONDUCT
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