LTM and the very big picture


Mind Map on LTM and the very big picture, created by Mafe Gaitán on 17/02/2014.
Mafe Gaitán
Mind Map by Mafe Gaitán, updated more than 1 year ago
Mafe Gaitán
Created by Mafe Gaitán almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

LTM and the very big picture
  1. Introduction
    1. The materials are always related to the social phenomena such as; Context, History, Perspectives, Atittudes, Values, Concepts and Socio-Political Relations.
    2. 1950's to 1960's and the Cold War
      1. Robert Lado develop an efficient methodology to teach English through drills and language labs.
      2. Late 1960's to late 1970's
        1. Alternative and humanistic ways to learn such as; Suggestopedia, the Silent way.
          1. Materials: Self-study, Self-access work, teacherless learning.
        2. 1970's to the mid 1980's
          1. Students had unique ways of approaching language, they also had control about their own linguistic needs and wants.
          2. The mid 1980's onwards
            1. Centralised and standarised view of what language teaching should be about.
            2. McDonaldization
              1. Materials were standarised, predictable and homogenized.
              2. Neo-liberalism
                1. Marketing in education is the rule.
                2. Conclusion
                  1. Language teaching would be: Experimentatio, Innovation and Re-thinking in materials.
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