

Visual culture
Mart Wings
Mind Map by Mart Wings, updated more than 1 year ago
Mart Wings
Created by Mart Wings about 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Conversation between interpreter and work = dialogue - since it involves equality and reciprocity
    1. True hermeneutical dialog begins when a viewer open themselves up to truly consider the works point of view.
      1. peoples ideological beliefs are shown or may be corrected
        1. People may become aware of the limits of their ideologies
      2. Aesthetic experience/ engagement
        1. Questioning - continue questioning ( can not be one sided) - imagination necessary
          1. Artworks capacity elicits engagement
            1. Art work should be thought of as an event
              1. Depends on dialogue
                1. Phenomenological event
                2. Hermeneutics and its relation to the aesthetic experience
                  1. reveals hidden aspects of the world
                    1. Challenges tacit knowlage
                    2. Hermeneutic experience involves and aesthetic element through which interpretation gains significance
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