Why was Galens work followed for so long?


Mind Map on Why was Galens work followed for so long?, created by mollycupper on 25/04/2013.
Mind Map by mollycupper, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mollycupper over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Why was Galens work followed for so long?
  1. Religion
    1. Nuns and Priests were the main people who could read and write
      1. Religious people agreed with Galens ideas
        1. Nuns and Priests controlled what people read
          1. People were afraid to try and discover new medical knowledge
    2. Galens books were ancient
      1. People thought old books were always right
        1. Few people tried to disprove Galens work
      2. War
        1. Many libraries were ruined
          1. Most of Galens books were saved so they were mostly what students learnt from
        2. Dissected of humans was not allowed
          1. False theories were made by dissecting animals
            1. No one could prove Galen wrong by discovering new ideas through human dissection
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