whip or beat (someone) so harshly as to remove their
skin: Matthew flayed them viciously with a branch
criticize severely and brutally: he flayed
the government for not moving fast enough
remove or dispose of (an object or substance) by flushing: I flushed the pills down the toilet
of a person’s skin or face) become red and hot, typically as the
result of illness or strong emotion: Mr. Cunningham flushed angrily
informal take off (a garment): she shucked off her nightdress
Let's toss a coin.
throw (something) somewhere lightly, easily, or casually
jerk (one’s head or hair) sharply backward: Paula pursed her lips and tossed her head
toss something off 1drink something rapidly or all
at once:
throw (an object) with great force
push or impel (someone) violently: I seized Nathan and hurled him into the lobby
the sudden release of a bent finger or thumb, especially to propel a small
object: he sent his cigarette spinning away with a flick of his fingers
a sudden sharp movement: the flick of a switch a flick of the wrist
take hold of sth and quickly removed it from its place quickly and
suddenly remove sb from a dangerus/unpleaant situation spirited and
determined courage I can’t pluck up the courage to make the first
move. She plucked a blade of grass. He was plucked from the grim
foster home. nip of cold, just enough to tint the cheeks pink.