Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard


Cambridge IGCSE Hullabaloo Mind Map on Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard, created by xanthecobb on 25/02/2014.
Mind Map by xanthecobb, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by xanthecobb almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard
  1. Shahkot
    1. the city
    2. Guava Orchard
      1. The monkeys
        1. workshop Sampath
        2. Sampath's followers
          1. Sampath in the tree
            1. the tree
              1. the guava
                1. represents peace; has calming effect on Sampath; he eventually transforms into one
                2. tree of knowledge, refuge; peaceful;
              2. satire
                1. women in Indian society
                  1. government bureacracy
                    1. gurus and holy men
                      1. human species
                      2. Characters
                        1. Chawla family
                          1. Kulfi
                            1. Sampath in Shahkot
                              1. Pinky
                                1. bratty teenage daughter; annoyed by her brother; frustrated by her father
                                  1. atypical Indian girl; flamboyant and showy in her dress
                                    1. fickle like a teenager
                                  2. Ammaji
                                    1. Mr. Chawla
                                    2. The Spy
                                      1. see gurus and holy men
                                        1. failed school teacher; wants to make a name for himself comes from a poor family and so wants to associate himself with upper classes;
                                        2. The Brigadier
                                          1. The District Collector
                                          2. important scenes
                                            1. description of shahkot
                                              1. Sampath turns into a guava
                                                1. ammaji/Pinky and the icecream cone
                                                  1. Sampath dispensing relgious advice from the tree
                                                    1. day Sampath was born
                                                      1. ???
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