Genetic Engineering


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Mind Map by manura_roy_vargh, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by manura_roy_vargh over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Genetic Engineering
  1. Procedure
    1. RFLP
        1. Applications
          1. DNA fingerprinting
            1. Disease Detection
              1. Genomic Mapping
            2. PCR
              1. Step 2: Annealing of DNA Primers @ 55C
                1. Step 1:Denaturation @ 95C
                  1. Step 3: Elongation of DNA @ 75C
                  2. Gel Electrophoresis
                    1. Nucleic Acid Hybridisation
                    2. Human Genome Project
                      1. Goals
                        1. Identify 25000 genes in human DNA
                          1. Store the information on DNA seq in publicly available domains
                          2. Benefits
                            1. Genetic Testing
                              1. Pharmacogenomics
                              2. Ethical Implications
                                1. Discrimination
                                  1. COmercialisation and Patenting
                                    1. Relaibility of Genetic Tests
                                  2. Tools
                                    1. DNA ligase
                                      1. Restriction Enzymes
                                        1. Vector
                                          1. DNA Library
                                            1. cDNA library
                                              1. Features
                                                1. Synthesis
                                                2. Genome Library
                                                  1. Features
                                                    1. Synthesis
                                                3. Protein Production
                                                  1. Process
                                                    1. Step 5: Extraction & Purification
                                                      1. Step 1: Isolation & Preparation of GOI
                                                        1. Step 2: Construction of recombinant DNA
                                                          1. Step 3: Transformation
                                                            1. Step 4: Selection and Identification
                                                              1. Blue/White colony screening
                                                                1. Replica plating
                                                              2. Human Growth Hormone
                                                                1. Insulin
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