

Mapa mental de la lectura de Hedging.
Maritza Soto
Mind Map by Maritza Soto, updated more than 1 year ago
Maritza Soto
Created by Maritza Soto over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. it is
    1. a process for managing risk and achieving objectives
    2. methods
      1. Contractual agreements
        1. nonstandardized agreements between two parties
        2. Forward contracts
          1. transfer of commodities, securities or currencies at a specified time in the future
          2. Futures contracts
            1. standardised instrument regulated by external bodies
            2. Options contracts
              1. unilateral contract where the buyer has the right, not the obligation to exercise
            3. types
              1. long hedge
                1. is a buy position
                  1. physical and financial
                  2. short hedge
                    1. is a sell position
                      1. physical and financial
                    2. concepts
                      1. time
                        1. identifies the length of temporal distance between two decisions
                        2. interest
                          1. positions can either cost or earn interests
                          2. volatility
                            1. considers the potential of change; it is the statistical variation about a mean
                            2. time value of money
                              1. it dictates the financial feasibility of basis trades
                            3. properties
                              1. economic validity
                                1. reasonable correlative movements
                                  1. convergence
                                    1. consistent basis behavior
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