Instructional Designs


These are the description of educational model (Instructions designs)
Brandon Tuyuc
Mind Map by Brandon Tuyuc, updated more than 1 year ago
Brandon Tuyuc
Created by Brandon Tuyuc over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Instructional Designs


    • It is a systematic process well known as instructional technology too. Also, it helps instructional designers in creating an efficient, affective teaching design.
    1. It is a systematic process and it helps designers in creating an efficient, and effective teaching. In fact, it has four components.
      1. Analysis phase
        1. Analyze Ss (Knowing Ss, their needs and problems
          1. Develop an instructional design (Provinding steps and opportunities to learn)
            1. Create instructional goal (What learners learn?, specify goals to save time and resources)
              1. Analysis's learning objectives (Ss should achieve the objectives when instruction is completed)
              2. Designed phase
                1. Steps of applying instructions. Also, how effective is in facilitating Ss' learning and interaction with materials. It focuses on designing assessment.
                  1. An assessment's design
                    1. Assess Ss' outcomes. Relate content and context
                      1. Select a form of the course (Lectures, online over the internet, self-based workbook, etc...)
                        1. Creating structional strategy (It's a combination of methods, for example: lectures, discussions, reading, and activities, etc....)
                      2. Development phase
                        1. Integrates technology by holding the educational settings and process. Backup plan is important
                          1. Runs through conduction of the course.
                            1. Creating factual sample for the instruction design
                              1. Develop the materials of the course
                            2. Implementation phase
                              1. Transforming the plan into actions. It considers three steps: training instructors , preparing the Ss and organizing the learning environment
                              2. Evaluating Phase
                                1. Make sure that the Ss achieve their goal.
                                  1. Formative evaluation (One to One). It focuses on evaluating each material, confirm if the materials were effective and identifying the strenghts and weaknesses
                                    1. Small Group (Evaluation)
                                      1. Formative evaluation on trial in field
                                        1. Important Summative evaluation support the real value for the design
                                2. ASSURE MODEL
                                  1. It is a guide of planning and conducting instruction that uses media.
                                    1. Analyze Ss
                                      1. Analyze Ss' characteristics (Grade level, age, sex, mental emotional, etc...)
                                        1. Analyze entry competencies (prior knowledge, skills, and attitude on the topic)
                                          1. Analyze learning styles
                                          2. State Objectives
                                            1. Focuses on the objectives (Objectives are learning outcomes)
                                              1. Objectives contain four parts:
                                                1. Audience-who you Ss are?
                                                  1. Behavior to be demostrated
                                                    1. Condition under which the behavior will be observed
                                                      1. Degree to which the learned Skills are to be demostrated
                                              2. Select methods, media, and materials
                                                1. Select the appropiate method
                                                  1. Select available materials
                                                    1. Modify existing materials
                                                      1. Designs new materials
                                                2. Utilize media and materials
                                                  1. Must be used for your methods
                                                    1. It is important to preview the materials and have a plan B
                                                  2. Require Ss participation
                                                    1. Ss should actively involved in the learning experienced.
                                                      1. Incorporate questions and answers, discussions, group work, hand-on activities, etc...)
                                                    2. Evaluate and revise
                                                      1. Evaluate the instructional process
                                                        1. Must reflect the lesson, objectives, instructional strategy, instructional materials, assessment, etc...
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