Types of Learning Environment


Describing types of learning environment
Christian  Camacho
Mind Map by Christian Camacho, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Brandon Tuyuc
Created by Brandon Tuyuc over 8 years ago
Christian  Camacho
Copied by Christian Camacho over 7 years ago
Christian  Camacho
Copied by Christian Camacho over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Types of Learning Environment
  1. e-learninge-learning consists of education and training through internet. Typically, this means using a computer to deliver part, or all of a course whether it's in a school, or a full distance learning course..


    • http://www.christenseninstitute.org/blended-learning-definitions-and-models/
    1. b-learning is a mixed education of both online and in-person learning experiences when teaching students.. Examples: Face to face driver, Rotation, Flex, etc...


      • http://www.christenseninstitute.org/blended-learning-definitions-and-models/
      1. c-learning is a collaborative learning which it meanly uses Social Software. Examples: Blogs, Wikis, and Blogs.


        • http://es.slideshare.net/quirosleiva/clearning-aprendizaje-comunitario-software-social
        1. u-learning is a concept that refers learning, but not to any type of learning just the creative learning. The main educative purpose is to assess the possible digital interactive tools through the television. Examples: TV course and Digital TV.
          1. t-learning refers to the offering of e-learning services using digital TV technologies. Examples: Interactive Digital TV and Internet through LMS


            • http://www.igi-global.com/dictionary/t-learning/29147
            1. p-learning is called personalized learning, that means the student can be able have a self-learning according to the students’ needs. Examples: Web pages, Wiki, and Voky.
              1. m-learning offers update methods that support the learning process through using mobile instruments. Examples: Laptop, tablet, Smart Phones and MP3.


                • http://www.macmillandictionary.com/buzzword/entries/m-learning.html
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