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Unit 2: Tissues
Alexander's mind map
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12th grade
Mind Map by
Alexander Preau
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Alexander Preau
over 8 years ago
Resource summary
Unit 2: Tissues
Epithelial Tissue
Squamus tissue
Thin, flat cells
Simple Squamous Epithelium
Single layer of very thin Squamous Cells
Used for diffusion, secretion, and filtration
In the lungs, glands, and kidneys
Stratified squamous Epithelium
Multiple layers of epithelial cells with Squamous being the first, may be keratinized
used for protection
In the epidermis, mouth, tongue, and vagina
Cuboidal tissue
Simple Cuboidal Tissue
Single Layer of Cuboidal Cells
Used for secretion and absorbtion
In the small glands, kidney tubules, and ovary surface
Stratified Cuboidal Tissue
Multiple layers of epithelial cells with cuboidal being the first
Used for Protection
In the sweat, mammary, and salivary glands
Cube Shaped Cells
Columlar tissue
Stratified Columnar Epithelium
Multiple layers of epithelial cells with columnar being the first, very rare
Used for protection and secretion
In the urethra, ducts, and conjunctiva
Simple Columnar Epithelium
Single layer of columnar cells
Used for absorption and secretion
non ciliated are found in the digestive tract and duct linings, ciliated is found in the small bronchi and uterine tubes
Elongated Cells with an oval nucleus, may be ciliated
Simple pseudostratified
Single Layer of cells which are attached to the basement membrane, cells and nuclei are at different heights, may be ciliated
Used for secretion and movement of mucus
Ciliated are found in the bronchi
Stratified Transitional tissue
Several layers of cells that can be stretched
allows for distention of the urinary organs
In the bladder, ureters, and urethra
Used for protection, secretion, absorbtion, excretion
In Skin, Glands, Lungs, and filtration
Lacks blood vessels, cells readily divide and are closely packed together
Muscle Tissue
contracts, moving structures attached to it,
Skeletal Muscle Tissue
Long, threadlike cells with striations and many nuclei
Voluntary, contract when stimulated by a nerve cell
Most of the body's muscle
Smooth Muscle Tissue
Spindle shaped cells with no striations and a single nucleus.
involuntary control, nervous stimulation
found in hollow internal organs, stomach, intestines, bladder, and blood vessels
Cardiac Muscle Tissue
Striated, branched cells which are joined end to end and a single nucelus
involuntary control, may function without nervous stimulation
pumps blood through the heart and blood vesseles
Contains a specialized intercalated disk as a cellular junction
Nervous Tissue
Sense types of changes in their surroudings
Dendrites receive information and Axon sends to the next neuron or gland
Coordinate, regulate, and integrate body functions
Neural support Cells
Biind and support, carry out phagocytosis, connect neurons to blood vessels, and are involved in cell to cell communication
Connective Tissue
Connective tissue Cell Types
Mast Cells
Produce Collagen and elastic Fibers
Phagocytes or "eating cells"
may release heparin and histamine
Connective Tissue Fiibers
Collagen Fibers
Have great tensile strength
Elastic FIbers
composed of elastin and are streachy
Reticular Fibers
fine collagen fibers
Categories of Connective tissue
Loose Connective Tissue
thin membranes between organs
Beneath skin and around organs
stores fat, cushions, and insolates
beneath skin, abdominal membranes, around organs and joints
Thin Branched Reticular Fibers
supports wall of liver and spleen
Dense Connective Tissue
Dense regular
Strong collagen fibers that bind structures as parts of tendons and ligaments
Dense Irregular
Thicker, randomly distributed collagen fibers that are found in the dermis
Elastic fibers that make up hollow internal organs like the lungs and blood vessels
Specialized Connective Tissue
Provides support, made of fibers and a gel like substance
lacks a blood supply, slow to heal
Found at the ends of various bones, in the ear, larynx, and padding between bones
Matrix of mineral salts and collagen
Compact and spongy bones, heals rapidly
Cells Suspended in fluid
Produced in the hollow parts of some bones
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