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manhunt poem
Mind Map on manhunt poem, created by eilishhardy on 10/03/2014.
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
manhunt poem
poem divided into separate couplet-long stanzas
shows that it describes a slow, step-by-step process
different injuries introduced in different couplets
reader explores husbands mind & body in slow process that wife has done
further on in poem there's incomplete rhyme
at start it went well then relationship went down hill
trying to get to know him but got problems along the way
Language about body
adjectives that describe damage of body
'frozen river'
he's cold- what his relationship is like
blank expression
metaphors that suggest his body has become a collection of broken objects
suggests that damage has taken away his humanity
'porcelain collar-bone'
emphasises how fragile he is and how delicate she has to be
'climb the rungs of his broken ribs'
imagery is as if just climbed inside him
'hurt' & 'grazed heart'
consonance emphasises emotional pain
short, stands out
main cause of pain
relationship injured physically&mentally
'foetus of metal'
fragile, vulnerable
just the start of the pain
'sweating, unexploded mine buried deep in his mind
suggests the tension & stress which his memories cause
main problem is psychological&emotional
half rhyme draws attention
language about caring
employs range of verbs describing how women is caring for injured man
these words stress carefulness& delicateness
suggest the way in which she cares for him
physically & emotionally
'passionate nights intimate days'
first couplets seem like it could be normal love poem -first stages of a new relationship
'only then'
repetition suggest slow painstaking process
slowly overcoming his resistance
'and handle and hold' 'and mind and attend' 'and finger and thumb'
repetition of the structure with two verbs in each stanza emphasises it's an active process
looking after him, fixing him
'bind the struts'
suggest she's patching him up
words linked with war for his injuries
'parachute silk of his punctured lung'
if damaged it is no use
'tightened and closed'
supress feelings
no feelings left
almost rhyme
muted ending-he's not all better
'did I come close'
ambiguity-suggests she had to wait until now to get 'close' to him
also she has only 'come close'
understand what happened in war
close in relationship
Feelings and Attitudes
she's sensitive in her approach to wounded husband
takes whole poem for wife to 'come close' to husband
words used to describe man suggest his experiences have left him inwardly tormented and scarred
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