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Cold Environments Basics
A level Geography (Cold Environments) Mind Map on Cold Environments Basics, created by elenamaymartin on 11/03/2014.
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cold environments
cold environments
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
Cold Environments Basics
Global distribution
Glacial environments
areas covered by ice sheets and glaciers
Antarctica or Greenland
Periglacial (Tundra) Environments
North Alaska & Canada
exist in dry high-latitude areas not permanently covered in snow and ice
Alpine regions
Himalayas and the Alps
May contain small ice caps, mountain glaciers and tundra environments
Ice formation and movement
The snowline
The line between the areas of permanent snow and areas where snow melts
when snow is compressed
between being snow and ice
Sometimes known as neve
Will eventually become ice
Two types of Glacier
Temperate (alpine) Glaciers
melt in the summer
release huge amounts of meltwater
acts as a lubricant reducing friction
Move by basal flow, extending/ compressing flow, creep and surges
more likely to erode, transport and deposit material
Polar Glaciers
occur where the temp is always below 0 degrees C
no melting occurs
Movement is slower as the glaciers are frozen to their beds
They move mainly by internal flow
Much less erosion, transportation and deposition occurs
How ice moves down a hill
Upper Zone
ice is brittle, breaking apart to form crevasses
Lower Zone
has a steady pressure
meltwater from the pressure and friction allows a more rapid, plastic flow
at depth in the glacier the melting point of the ice is raised slightly by the increased pressure
Basal ice is therefore more likely to melt at temperatures close to 0 degrees C
How ice moves
Compressing Flow
when there is a reduction in the gradient of the valley floor
Ice decelerates
a thickening of ice mass
erosion is at its max
Extending Flow
when the valley floor becomes steeper
ice acceleration and becoming thinner leads to less erosion
Basal Flow
Friction as moves over bedrock
melting at bottom
acts as a lubricant
can flow more rapidly
occur when there is an excessive build-up of meltwater under glacier
250-300m in one day
presents hazards for those living in the valley below the snout
Internal Flow
when ice crystals orientate themselves in the direction of the glacier's movement and slide past each other
as surface ice moves faster, crevasses develop
the main way polar glaciers move as no need for meltwater
occurs when stress builds up in the glacier
allows ice to behave with plasticity and flow
It occurs particularly when obstacles are met
Rotational Flow
Occurs within a corrie
ice moving downhill pivots about a point
this produces rotational movement
increased pressure within the rock hollow, leads to greater erosion and an over deepening of the corrie floor
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