PSYCHE, meaning Soul,
& LOGOS, meaning
study of a subject.
Chapter 1
Wilhem Wundt, the father of Psychology, opened the first laboratory in 1879, in University of Leipzig. His main focus was
consciousnes, psychology became the study of conscious experience.
G. Stanley Hall, opened the first Americian research
center in America at Johns Hopkins University,
after studying with Wundt in Leipzig. He was also a
founder and first president of the American
Psychology Association.
Sigmond Freud, 1856 - 1939. A controversial figure, with his expolaration of unconciousnes, once
suggested " behaviour is influenced with how people cope with sexual urges. " His study of the
unconscious led him to believe that a persons actions are greatly influenced by unconcscious
STRUCTURALISM, studies based on how our brain's interpretate a stimulus. Mainley intrested in
the five senses, sight, sound, vision, hearing and touch. Developed a technique called
INTROSPECTION, studies of how a person perceives a stimuli and their perception of it.
FUNCTIONALISM, the purpose or function of consciousnes, and how behaivour
adapts or evoloves to a enviroment. The main force behind this ideas was
William James, a American scholar. Who beleived that Dawrins evolutionary theory could be applied to humans.
"FREE WILL IS A ILLUSION", B.F Skinner. A Harvard Pschologist who's principle was
oragnisms will repeat responses that have a postivive outcome. Also stated "People are
controlled by their enviroment, not by themselves.' Needless to say there was much
critism and misinterpitation of this statement.
Psychology Adapts, Evolution of the mind. A study into how past
behaviours can contribute to current behaviours and gender differences
in abilities. Largely due to our ancestoral responsibilties.
7 major research areas of psycology
developmental psychology
social pschology
experimental psychology
physiological psychology
cognitive psychology
Measurments of behaviours and capacities,
usually through psychological testing.
understanding our individual and unique
consistancy in behaviour. Also in line with
personality assessments and factors that shape
study of cognitive functions, memory, reasoning, information processing, language,
problem solving, descion making and creativity.
Looks into genetic factors that effect our
behaviour, role of the brain and our
sensation, perception, learning, conditioning,
motovation and emotion. Traditional topics
common in the first half century.
focuses on interpersonal
behaviour, relationships, attitudes, attraction, aggresion
studies human development across the lifespan.
Improving our study habits.
1, Set a schedule 2, Study
where you can concentrate
3, Reward your self for
studying 4, Read with
purpose 5, Take notes during
lectures 6, Develope tactical test skills
Professional specialities
Clinical Psychology, evaluation,
diagnosis and treatment of more
serious issues, ie schzophernia.
Counselling Psychology, simular to
clinical psycology but work with a
different clientele, mainly people
struggling with everyday problems
Education and school
psychology, work in the schools.
A broad range areas from
improving curriculium,
acheivment testing to
counselling children having
Industrial and organizational psychology,
a wide variety of task from human
resource departments to organizing
Procedures, i.e. sports psychologist.