Samuel's Possible Experiences


Preschool mind map to Assist multimodal learners of Mandarin
Quentin Graham
Mind Map by Quentin Graham, updated more than 1 year ago
Quentin Graham
Created by Quentin Graham over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Samuel's Possible Experiences
    1. Poetry stories


      • Samuel's interest in poetry can be extended by storytelling and making them into books via his love for art
      1. Chinese Songs


        • Introduce more Chinese waiata within the centre
        1. Story Telling
          1. Mat Time


            • Mat time helps Samuel share his understanding with peers and provides empowerment and confidence
        2. SYMBOL & Cultural Tools
          1. Drama and Body Expression


            • Connecting story of the Snipe and the Clam to drama enables Samuel to express through various forms including the making of symbol in props and gesture in dance
            1. Painting & Symbol
              1. Dance
                1. Chinese Fan Making
                  1. Lantern Making


                    • How to make a paper lantern 
                  2. Chinese Lantern Festival
                  3. VISUAL COMMUNICATION
                    1. Traditional Chinese Wax Dye
                      1. Clay Modelling
                        1. Visual Art
                          1. Play Dough Sculptures
                            1. Painting
                            2. Flash Cards
                            3. TEXT
                              1. Story Telling


                                • Samuel loves art within nature. BOOK: Swirl by Swirl: Spirals in Nature This book extends samuels interest in traditional Chinese art and covers animals and insects
                                1. Creating Picture Books
                                2. AURAL
                                  1. VIOLIN
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