Isolation and characterization of cellulolytic bacteria from the Stain Lake House


Mind Map on Isolation and characterization of cellulolytic bacteria from the Stain Lake House, created by aldarera on 16/03/2014.
Mind Map by aldarera, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by aldarera over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Isolation and characterization of cellulolytic bacteria from the Stain Lake House
  1. Sterilized cellulose bait
    1. Different depths
      1. Equidistant point
        1. Provided matrices for colonizing bacteria
          1. Transfer into Falcon tubes containing freshwater, same lake
            1. Isolated vigorously
              1. Remove biofilm
                1. Inoculated on tryptic soy agar plates
                  1. Incubated for 7 days at 18 degree celcius
                    1. Individual Colonies - purified and stored in 20% glycerol at 18 degree celcius
                      1. Bacteria recovered from cellulose baits were plated in TSA , Incubated at 18 degree celcius for 3-7 days
                        1. agar medium flooded with an aqueous solution of congo red foe 30 min
                          1. Performed in triplicate
          2. classification
            1. CMAA 1185
              1. closely related to Bacillus saffensis
                1. shared 16S rRNA similarity of 98.9%
                  1. higher activity pH 3
              2. CMAA 1184
                1. Form distinct phyletic line
                  1. associated with Bacillus subtilis
                    1. closest with B. subtilis subsp.inaquosorum
                      1. shared 16s rRNA gene similarity of 99.4 %
                        1. produce alkaline cellulase
                          1. optimum pH 10
              3. Identification
                1. Genomic DNA was extracted
                  1. PureLink genomic kit (Invitrogen) manufacturer protocol
                    1. PCR ampification, Zucchi et al method
                      1. Almost complete 16s rRNA gene sequence aligned manually using MEGA version 5 software
                        1. Phylogenetic and bootrap were inferred
                          1. Further evaluated by Fatty Acid Methyl ester
                            1. Peak were identified by Sherlock Microbial Identification (MIDI)
                              1. Inoculating selected isolates to tryptic soy broth
                                1. With wheat bran and incubated at 20 degree celcius for 1 day
                                  1. Enzyme was sampled for centrifugation & Filtration
                                    1. Enzyme extracted and incubated at 20 degree celcius for 30 min
                                      1. Cellulase activity was also assayed using Dixtrin, microcrystallline cellulose, and xylan as subtrates
                                        1. Reaction interrupted with addition of 3,5-dinitrosalicyclic acid and heated at 100 degree celcius for 5 min prior to quantification by spectrophotometer at 540 nm
                                    2. TSB version 6 database
                                    3. 7683 Series injector, Flame ionization detector, HP-5 capillary column
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