The World Today


This map is for try to understand better the world
Miguel Gutiérrez de la Cruz
Mind Map by Miguel Gutiérrez de la Cruz, updated more than 1 year ago
Miguel Gutiérrez de la Cruz
Created by Miguel Gutiérrez de la Cruz over 8 years ago

Resource summary

The World Today
  1. Conflicts
    1. 21 century
      1. Problems
        1. Geopolitical tensions
          1. Civil conflicts
            1. Territorial disputes
              1. Terrorism
              2. Causes
                1. Economic differences
                  1. Unresolved conflicts
                    1. Religious differences
                      1. Cultural intolerance
                    2. Diplomacy mitigate problems
                    3. Globalisation
                      1. Factors
                        1. Process that interconected cultures
                          1. Expansion of capitalism
                            1. Countries become more similar
                            2. Economic
                              1. High movility
                                1. Workers
                                  1. Raw materials
                                    1. Capital
                                    2. Concentration
                                      1. Wealth
                                        1. Instability
                                          1. Inequality
                                          2. Power from states to private companies
                                            1. Increase in power for multinationals
                                              1. Unemployment and less purchasig
                                              2. Scientific and technological
                                                1. Communications
                                                  1. Internet
                                                    1. Mobile telephones
                                                      1. TV
                                                      2. High technology
                                                        1. IT
                                                          1. Biotechnology
                                                      3. Migration
                                                        1. Large population movements
                                                          1. Causes
                                                            1. Natural
                                                              1. Political
                                                                1. Socioeconomic
                                                                2. Types
                                                                  1. Forced/Voluntary
                                                                    1. Permanent/Temporary
                                                                  2. Urban problems
                                                                    1. Enviromental degradation
                                                                      1. Pollution
                                                                      2. Supplies and waste management
                                                                        1. Large amount
                                                                          1. Raw materials
                                                                            1. Energy
                                                                          2. Social segregation
                                                                            1. Ethnic or religious minorities
                                                                              1. Inmigrants by zones
                                                                              2. Housing
                                                                                1. Need of built
                                                                                  1. Despite urban problems
                                                                                2. Population
                                                                                  1. Birth rate
                                                                                    1. Number of live births in one year ________________________________________ x1000 Total population
                                                                                    2. Death Rate
                                                                                      1. Number of deaths in one year _______________________________________ x1000 Total population
                                                                                      2. Life expectancy
                                                                                        1. More in industrializated countries
                                                                                        2. Natural growth
                                                                                          1. Number of births - Number of Deaths _______________________________________________ x1000 Total population
                                                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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