FIST conditional


karoll tatiana medina gonzalez
Mind Map by karoll tatiana medina gonzalez, updated more than 1 year ago
karoll tatiana medina gonzalez
Created by karoll tatiana medina gonzalez about 8 years ago

Resource summary

FIST conditional
  1. If they don't invite you, you must not go. If we don't hurry, we'll miss our bus
    1. question form
      1. if it rains tomorrow, you will stay at home? if it rains tomorrow, what will you do?
        1. Main clause+will / can / may / must + verb+I'll stay at home
          1. if + simple present + simple future. If it rains today, I'll stay at home.
            1. If they don't invite you, you must not go. If we don't hurry, we'll miss our bus.
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