

Undergraduate Physical Geography (The structure of the Earth) Mind Map on Tsunamis, created by Sharondeep on 21/03/2014.
Mind Map by Sharondeep, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Sharondeep over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. huge tidal waves caused by the displacement of the sea bed
    1. may be caused by an EQ
      1. caused by the dumping of sediments around the coast or near deep-sea trenches
      2. a series of waves may be set up with wavelengths of several hundred kms
        1. so much energy they can reach speeds of 900 km per hour
          1. a large tsunami can cross the Pacific in about 24 hours
          2. Height = depth of body of water
            1. may be unnoticeable in the deep ocean so the effects are most intense in shallow waters
              1. shelving coastlines vulnerable
            2. Most dangerous occur in Pacific ocean as surrounded by margins
              1. The Pacific Tsunami Warning System triggers warnings if an eq greater then 6.5 on the Richter scale is detected
                1. 69 seismic stations
              2. E.g. 2004 magnitude 9.0 eq in northerm Sumatra led to a tsunami killing over 100,000 people in countries in Indian Ocean
                1. Initiates need to set up warning systems in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans
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