National Curriculum


PE Mind Map on National Curriculum, created by georgechase97 on 22/03/2014.
Mind Map by georgechase97, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by georgechase97 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

National Curriculum
  1. Group 1 - Outwitting Opponents
    1. e.g. game activities
    2. Group 2 - Accurate replication of of actions, phrases and sequences
      1. e.g. Gymnastic activities
      2. Group 3 - Exploring and communicating ideas, concepts and emotions
        1. e.g. Dance activities
        2. Group 4 - Performing at maximum levels in relation to speed, height, distance, strength and accuracy
          1. e.g. athletic activities
          2. Group 5 - Identifying and solving problems to overcome challenges of an adventurous nature
            1. e.g. outdoor and adventurous activities
              1. Lifesaving
                1. Personal survival
              2. Group 6 - Exercising safely and effectively to improve health and wellbeing
                1. e.g. fitness and health activities
                2. Why is PE offered in schools?
                  1. To improve health and fitness levels
                    1. To provide a balance within subjects taught
                      1. To prepare young people to take part in physical activity when they leave school
                        1. Its a government requirement
                          1. To provide approved qualifications in line with other subjects
                            1. GCSE
                              1. GCE
                              2. To reflect the importance and value of sport and physical activity in society
                              3. How do schools make PE available?
                                1. PE as a subject on their timetable
                                  1. Extra curricular provision
                                    1. e.g. after school football club
                                      1. Extra-curricular - an activity that takes place out of timetabled lessons
                                      2. Club and team practise sessions
                                        1. Sports performance awards
                                          1. Links with local clubs and outside visits / visitors
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                                          GCSE PE
                                          Australia vs UK PE
                                          Cal Jones
                                          The Skeletal System - PE GCSE EdExcel
                                          Unit 4: The Respiratory and Circulatory Systems
                                          Cath Warriner
                                          Unit 1: The Role of the Active Participant
                                          Cath Warriner
                                          WCC VCE PE: Energy Systems
                                          Tim Hodge
                                          Components of Fitness
                                          SMART targets
                                          Ben Kidner
                                          Unit 5 : Health and Fitness
                                          Cath Warriner
                                          Unit 6: Principles of Training and Training methods
                                          Cath Warriner
                                          Body conditioning, injuries, and preventing injury