Classification of Sports


Classification of sports There are many classifications, but here you can find one regarding the place that the sport takes place.
Rebeca Báez
Mind Map by Rebeca Báez, updated more than 1 year ago
Rebeca Báez
Created by Rebeca Báez almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Classification of Sports
  1. Extreme sports
    1. zorbing, scuba diving, powerbocking, wingsuit flying
      1. parasailing, parkour, hang gliding, highlining,
    2. Mountain Sports
      1. Mountaineering, hiking, mountaing biking, mountain boarding,
        1. climbing, rock climbing, abseiling
      2. Net sports
        1. volleyball, tennis
          1. table tennis, pickleball
        2. Street sports
          1. skateboarding, running
            1. parkour, BMX
          2. Racing sports
            1. Car racing, horse racing,
              1. motorbike racing
            2. throwing sports
              1. javelin, hammer throw, bowling, frisbee
                1. discus throw, shot put, darts,
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