Immune System


Mind Map on Immune System, created by R Tizabgar on 28/10/2016.
R Tizabgar
Mind Map by R Tizabgar, updated more than 1 year ago
R Tizabgar
Created by R Tizabgar almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Immune System
  1. Disorders
    1. Immunity
      1. Passive
        1. Exposed naturally to infection
          1. Placental transfer from mother to fetus
          2. Exposed artificially to infection
            1. Injected with serum that contains antibody for a disease
          3. Active
            1. Exposed naturally to infection
              1. Natural exposure to an antigen
              2. Exposed artificially to infection
                1. Been vaccinatated by form of antigen that is either weakened or dead so it does not make you sick but triggers an immune response
            2. Adaptive
              1. This class involves the production of T-lymphocytes
                1. Cell-Mediated Immunity
                  1. CD8 Cells
                    1. Secrete chemicals that destroy virus infected cells
                    2. T-lymphocytes
                      1. CD4 Cells
                        1. Enhance B-cell growth, cytotoxic cell activity, and active microphages
                    3. This class involves the production of antibodies
                      1. Humoral Immunity
                        1. In this type of defense antigens stimulate
                          1. B-lymphocytes
                            1. To convert to
                              1. Memory Cells
                                1. Plasma Cells
                      2. Innate
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