English Language


English Language Paper 1 Section A Section B - Creative Writing
Zoe` Butcher
Mind Map by Zoe` Butcher, updated more than 1 year ago
Zoe` Butcher
Created by Zoe` Butcher almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

English Language
  1. Question 1 - 4 marks
    1. 4 points about... (look for key questions)
      1. Full sentences - either pull it straight from text, or use your own words
        1. Take note of which lines to look between
        2. Question 2 - 8 marks
          1. 1 side of A4 - 1 1/2 pages of answer booklet
            1. How question - PETAL P-point E-evidence T-technique/theme A-analysis L-link
              1. Language devices - metaphors, similie, juxtaposition, triplet, personification, alliteration, repetition, pathetic fallacy, onomatopoeia, hyperbole
                1. Sentence forms - complex sentence that is the paragraph. Long complex sentences reflex the severity of the ... (example - weather)
                  1. Suggest paragraphs - sentence length, what the text reflects, complete sentences, structure paragraphs, analyse closely
                  2. Question 3 - 8 marks
                    1. Write about what I think they want me to say
                        1. Beginning focus
                          1. Changes focus
                            1. Structural features
                              1. Subject terminology
                                1. Emotive language
                                2. Question 4 - 20 marks
                                  1. To what extent do you agree?
                                    1. Write about own impression of the characters
                                      1. Evaluate how the writer creates these impressions
                                        1. key words, phrases and quotes
                                      2. Support opinions with quotes from the text
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