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London - Local Area Hazard Risks
A-Levels Geography (World at risk) Mind Map on London - Local Area Hazard Risks, created by Jodie Goodacre on 04/05/2013.
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world at risk
world at risk
Mind Map by
Jodie Goodacre
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Jodie Goodacre
almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
London - Local Area Hazard Risks
Kensal Rise Tornado
7th December 2006
T4 on the TORRO scale
Strong Atlantic low pressure system
Caused very unstable weather conditions to the UK but mainly in the South
A drop in humidity was recorded, this is likely to have caused an increase in atmospheric pressure
Causing the squall line to move forward at an accelerated pace
Damages were estimated at £10 million
6 people were injured
100 properties damaged
Caused a school to close for a week due to a collapsed roof
Cars damaged
Potential to cause water contamination
Summer Heat wave
Researchers say that this heat wave was the hottest on the continent for at least 5 centuries
Atlantic cyclones brought cool and wet weather for a short period at the end of July
Temperatures started to increase substantially from the 3rd of August
Temperatures reached 38.5 degrees
According to the BBC more than 2,000 people than usual died in the UK
Many suffered heat stroke, dehydration, sun burns and deaths from air pollution
People drowned from trying to cool off in rivers
There was an increase in skin cancer
Drinking water supplies were effected
Hose pipe bans
Agriculture was effected
Animals died
Tourism increased
Railways buckled
Undergrounds became unbearable
Some road surfaces had melted
Cost European farmers 13.1 billion euros
Summer 2006
Worst drought since 1976
This came about as a result of two successive winters of below average rainfall
Agriculture suffered
Hose pine bans
Cracks appeared in the soil which was leading to unstable foundations
Low low in rivers meant that pollution had a greater impact on the environment
Fish were more likely to die because of low flow, low oxygen levels and higher water temperatures.
Severe fog
December 2006
High pressure became slow moving for several days
Locally freezing fog which in some locations lasted 3 to 5 days
In many places visibility was reduced to below 100m and below 30m in some cases
Transport was effected
Fog caused problems on the roads with one man killed in a crash
Police appealed to motorist to slow down and keep their distance
Up to 70,000 people suffered delays or cancellations at airports
Thames Flood plain
Thames flood barrier was opened in 1984 - cost around £534 million to build
Water contamination
Damage to infrastructure
Damage to crops
Insurance will increase
Emotional damage
Sendimental loss
1982 flood killed 302 people
Air pollution
Kills more people than obesity in the UK
Causes respiratory diseases
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