Outcomes Of Democracy


a useful mindmap on outcomes of democracy
Cherry Pickle
Mind Map by Cherry Pickle, updated more than 1 year ago
Cherry Pickle
Created by Cherry Pickle over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Outcomes Of Democracy
  1. creates a government that is
    1. Accountable
      1. Democracy ensures if decision making is based on norms and procedures
        1. Citizens the right and means to examine the procedure of decision-making
          1. Transparency
            1. Produces a government that is accountable to the citizens and pensive to the needs and expectations of the citizens
        2. Government responsible for their own actions & must be prepared to justify them
          1. Thus creates a condition for Responsible Government as its actions are open to scrutiny and criticism by the legislative that has ability to remove it from power so government = more vigilant
        3. Legitimate
          1. justify its actions in terms of law
            1. ensures
              1. social acceptance
                1. effective implementation of rules, policies and decisions
            2. Responsive
              1. attentive to the needs and demands of the people
            3. DEMOCRACY
              1. “Government of the people, for the people and by the people"
                1. Abraham Lincoln
              2. the better government
                1. promotes equality among citizens
                  1. enhances the dignity of individuals
                    1. improves the quality of decision – making
                      1. provides a method to resolve conflicts
                        1. allows room to correct mistake
                        2. conditions essential for its success
                          1. Social
                            1. Political
                              1. Economic
                                1. Moral
                                  1. Intellectual
                                  2. Reduction of inequality and poverty
                                    1. provides fair share to every citizen in the distribution of Natural Resources
                                      1. based on Economic & Political Equality
                                        1. equitable distribution in production and income
                                        2. Accommodation of social diversity
                                          1. the world is a heterogeneous society
                                            1. Democracy accommodate various diversities
                                              1. By giving equal rights and opportunities to every citizen
                                            2. MULTICULTURALISM
                                              1. the co-existence of diverse cultures, where culture includes racial, religious, or cultural groups and is manifested in customary behaviours, cultural assumptions and values, patterns of thinking, and communicative styles
                                                1. Democracy
                                                  1. Mutual Accommodation
                                              2. Dignity andFreedom to all the citizen
                                                1. Equality of Women
                                                  1. fighting ancient prejudices
                                                    1. waging struggles
                                                      1. developing awareness and ability
                                                    2. United Nations
                                                      1. Gender Equity
                                                      2. European Union
                                                        1. European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
                                                      3. Caste Inequalities
                                                        1. Democracy strengthened the claims of the disadvantaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunities
                                                          1. given them the recognition that makes ordinary citizens values their Democratic rights.
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