How to Improve an ASL-to-English Interpretation


Ways of how to Improve ASL-to-English
Brittanyq Kearfott
Mind Map by Brittanyq Kearfott, updated more than 1 year ago
Brittanyq Kearfott
Created by Brittanyq Kearfott over 8 years ago

Resource summary

How to Improve an ASL-to-English Interpretation
  1. By Brittany Kearfott 17 November 2016
    1. When interpreting remember
      1. Was English used in such a way that the hearing consumer understood it clearly?
        1. Was the meaning intended by the Deaf consumer conveyed?
        2. Improving English Skills
          1. Increasing Vocabulary
            1. Keeping a Vocab notebook
              1. Keeping a Grammar Notebook
                1. Monitoring the use of one's own English
                  1. Falling in Love with English
                    1. Working on English Interpretations from Pictures or Stories Without Words
                    2. Presenting a Clear vocal Message
                      1. Vassallo
                        1. High-pitched
                          1. Nasal tone
                            1. Principles
                              1. Verbal
                                1. Vocal
                              2. Improving Presentation Skills
                                1. Handling Errors
                                  1. Avoiding Negativity
                                    1. Taking Deep Breathes
                                      1. Not Apologizing
                                        1. Being Will Prepared
                                          1. Picturing Success
                                          2. Skill Development
                                            1. Cycle of Learning
                                              1. Unconscious Competence
                                                1. Conscious Competence
                                                  1. Conscious Incompetence
                                                    1. Unconscious Incompetence
                                                  2. Personality Traits and Skill Development
                                                    1. Internalizer
                                                      1. Externalizer
                                                      2. Creating and Prioritizing Goals
                                                        1. Kelly: Goal Setting is 1st in Skill Development
                                                          1. Isham: Self-directed Growth- Goal Setting, Time Frames, Written Records, Feedback, and Guidance
                                                            1. Gordon: Goals consist of a desired outcome of a behavior and communicate the will to improve.
                                                              1. After seleceted it needs to be prioritized. Everything cannot be fixed at once. Written in order of importance.
                                                              2. Practicing
                                                                1. Seeking a Mentor
                                                                  1. Working with Deaf Consumers
                                                                    1. The Deaf presenter and interpreter seeing themselves as partners who have different roles, but the responsibility for success is shared.
                                                                      1. The interpreter knowing what is needed in order to do his or her best work.
                                                                        1. The presenter needing to understand his or her own presentation style.
                                                                          1. The presenter needing to provide the interpreter with an outline, handouts, copies of overheads and other materials in advance so the interpreter can review and study them.
                                                                            1. The interpreter and presenter meeting to discuss the outcomes the presenter is hoping to accomplish.
                                                                              1. The interpreter and presenter discussing how the interpreter can signal a request for clarification and additional time to complete an interpretation, or how to manage interaction with the audience.

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