The Art of Dressing Hair Keywords!


Keywords and descriptions for The Art of Dressing Hair
Kirsty Warner
Mind Map by Kirsty Warner, updated more than 1 year ago
Kirsty Warner
Created by Kirsty Warner over 8 years ago

Resource summary

The Art of Dressing Hair Keywords!
  1. Channelling Sectioning
    1. Brick Work sectioning
      1. Directional Sectioning
        1. Alpha Keratin- Natural state
          1. Beta Keratin- Changed state
            1. Hair is Hygroscopic- Absorbs moisture
              1. Hair must be allowed to cool in order for the Temporary bonds (hydrogen bonds) to fix
                1. Temporary Bonds (Hydrogen bonds)- Resets when hair is dried or set
                  1. Backcombing- To achieve volume at the root area
                    1. Back brushing- To achieve volume at the mid-lengths and ends
                      1. On Base- Combed to create lift and volume
                        1. Off Base- root combed at 45 degrees to create flatter curls
                          1. Pin Curling-Winding hair from point to root or root to point to achieve curls using pin curl clips
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