Eden Rock


Eden rock mind map
Liam Hallam
Mind Map by Liam Hallam, updated more than 1 year ago
Liam Hallam
Created by Liam Hallam over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Eden Rock
  1. Stanza 1
    1. Line 1


      • Split up between a real world and heaven, Its a barrier between worlds.
      1. Line 2


        • time stopped he remembers a lot about his dad. which is imagery which is lots of memeories of his dad.
        1. Line 3


          • time stopped he remembers a lot about his dad. which is imagery which is lots of memeories of his dad.
          1. Line 4


            • time stopped he remembers a lot about his dad. which is imagery which is lots of memeories of his dad.
          2. stanza 2


            • very specific ages. Time frozen.'spigged dress' item of clothing. old imagery. happy memories of parents. ' Takes on the light' = all of stanza 2 is symbolic. Explained like a picnic also like a doorway to heaven.
            1. Stanza 3
              1. Line 1


                • 'Thermos' is another word for old.This whole Stanza is makinga picnic scene. This idea is given when it says 'the same three plates'
                1. Line 4


                  • This whole Stanza is makinga picnic scene. This idea is given when it says 'the same three plates'
                2. Stanza 4
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