To what extent was the constitution responsible for keeping Germany's political system intact?


Simple essay plan (not the best) for questions regarding the maintainance of the political system in Germany from 1900-14
Elizabeth Carr
Mind Map by Elizabeth Carr, updated more than 1 year ago
Elizabeth Carr
Created by Elizabeth Carr almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

To what extent was the constitution responsible for keeping Germany's political system intact?
  1. Moderate reform
    1. SPD limited by reforms
      1. Few but enough to keep people happy
        1. Moderate nature agreed with conservatism
        2. Nationalistic foreign policy
          1. People were patriotic about success
            1. Weltpolitik well liked by all classes and political parties
            2. Nationalism and patriotism
              1. Nationalist pressure groups supported Kaiser
                1. SPD untraditionally loyal to Kaiser
                  1. Formation of Germany created universal belief that Kaiser was meant to be in power
                  2. Constitution and political parties
                    1. Disunity of political parties meant no united aims
                      1. Unfair voting system enabled Kaiser to monopolise power
                        1. Keep his supporters as majority
                          1. Could dissolve the Reichstag
                          2. Could not be broken
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